Friday 10 July 2020


May is celebrated as mental health awareness month. But in today’s day and age, it is of paramount importance that we encourage this awareness all year, every year.
With most of us quarantined at home and uncertain of the future, it is natural to feel blue and even panic. Other than that, we all go through tough times sometimes and people help us through them. Other times, we have been worried about mental health. Of family members, friends, relatives, colleagues. However, it is important to hold positive outlook and rejuvenate this time to slow down a bit and most importantly be kind to ourselves.
There are many ways to support somebody you care about. But first it is important to know about Mental Health.
Some people call mental health as “emotional health” or our “wellbeing” and it is just as important as our physical health.
We all have times when we feel low and stressed or sometimes panic about stuff. Everyone is different. Sometimes those feelings are temporary and they pass but sometimes those feelings stay and develop into more serious problems and this could happen to anyone of us.
We sometimes may feel weighed down for a long time. It doesn’t stay the same. It is different with different people. It changes as circumstances change in our lives, through different stages. People sometimes feel uncomfortable. This leads people to not talk about it much. But remember it’s healthy to know and say how you are feeling. IT’S OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY.
But how do you know if someone has a mental health problem?
Sometimes it seem obvious when someone is going through tough time, but it is not simple to know if they are going through mental health problem. Sometimes you don’t need to know, but it is more important to respond sensitively to someone who seems troubled.
The world is going through an unimaginable crisis and there are uncertain times that have caught off guard. During these difficult times, a lot of us are struggling with anxiety, restlessness or just sheer despair at the misfortune.
HOW can you help?
There are a number of ways you can help a friend, relative or colleague who has a mental health problem. This is the perfect time to be there for each other. Check up on each other. Make best effort to be there for the people you care about. Also to be there for yourself too.
Talking about mental health
Talking to someone is often the first step to take when you know they are going through difficult times. But when you are aware there is an issue, it is important to go and talk rather than wait. Waiting they will come to you for help might lose the valuable time in getting then support and care when they need you the most. By talking to them and be there for them can help you find out what is troubling them and also can help you find the ways you could help them. It is important to provide an open and non-judgemental space with no distractions.
Let them share as much as or as little as they want to. Let them lead the discussion at their own pace. Also do not pressure them on telling what they aren’t ready to talk about. Talking can take a lot of courage and trust than listening. Whenever someone share their trauma, don’t start by saying that “you’ve been there, I know how you feel and it will get better”. There is absolutely no comparison. Even if you feel you’ve been there or you have suffered the same fate, resist the urge to make it about you. You listen. You don’t have to agree with what they are saying. But ny showing that you understand how they feel, you are letting them know that you respect their feeling.
Don’t try to diagnose or second guess there feelings.
Try not to make assumptions about what is wrong and why. Don’t jump with your own conclusions or solutions. You should support them. Talk about their
wellbeing, their diet, their day can help them de stress and help them to protect their mental health. Also ask them if the ways are helpful in any ways.
Remember everybody’s mental health deserves to be acknowledged and not ignored. And sometimes its okay to pause and take break from this mad race of accomplishments. Remember no skill will ever be worth more than your mental wellbeing. Indulge yourself in whatever gives you a sense of comfort, whatever helps you breathe.
Also reduce your media exposure. While staying updated about every latest developments, turn up to the stories and podcasts on courage, kindness and hope.
But most importantly talk. Talk your hearts out. We are all in this together.
As they say, the sun will rise again and we will try again.
There are dark times but also there’s light waiting for us at the end of the tunnel and together we all will make it through.
And sometimes, it’s also okay to be not be okay.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this information Fits of anxiety can what causes of chest pain since when you hyperventilate (inhale quickly or profoundly), the muscles in your chest divider fit. The aggravation can happen on one or the other side of the chest because of tension or stress.


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