Thursday 19 September 2024

The Importance Of Student and Teacher Relationship?

The Importance Of Student and Teacher Relationship?By Giada Fiordelmondo

Children are said to be like sponges. They learn from other people words, emotions or values, sometimes ways to do, to be, to speak. But if we observe it, both children and adults learn through relationships. One of the most important relationships for children is with their teacher because he teaches also with his/her way to do and talk. He or she transmits important values to create a healthy relationship and learn to work together like empathy, respect and coworking. Empathy: teacher understands student’s problem and looks for resolve with them. For example when a student doesn't understand some lessons and the teacher searches for a way to help him/her. It is through the teacher that the students learn empathy.

Respect for others and rules: there is time for listening to the lesson and time for playing and it’s important to establish the rules. Rules help us to make a quiet atmosphere.Teachers too have to respect them, only in this way students will comprehend the importance of their existence. Coworking: through it learning is easier because it becomes a work of everybody, where everyone is busy to co-work and understanding the lesson. Example: keeping silence during the lessons is a work of everybody or respect the speaking rounds as well. Studies show us how it is important being in supportive relationships is an important element for individual well-being, someone that believes in you, in your potential. In addition building supportive relationships make more positive results in work because the student feels stimulated to do better in homework and at school. Supportive relationships are like there is someone who cheers for his/her athlete and the latter is driven to do better. The School Psychology review published an article in 2023 where argued the importance of positive teacher-student relationships because it sets the stage for children’s success via classroom engagement, social functioning and academic skills development. Research reveals that positive teacher-student relationship predict positively student perceptions on discipline and being interested in it. Teachers’ prosocial classroom behaviors and being so supportive with students helped the teacher to keep a high quality education, because students have a good opinion of teachers.

In addition it is important to have the parent’s presence because in this way they feel involved in the education of the children. In this way the school and family are allied in the same direction for the same values. Since the beginning school wants to bring the value for sharing, compassion and helping each other. In according to this opinion is fundamental the help that a student give to other student. In fact it is studied that this way to learn is impressive, its name is “peer education” and helps also to create bonding between students. As Jackie Green says in the journal Promotion and

Education, peer education has an important influence on health related behavior, through their attitudes and normative expectations and as a source of advice and information.

In society there are many agencies that participate to grow a child, a person. First the family, then the school and the sport associations, extracurricular activities. More agency means more persons involved in a child's education and in this way children can learn from everybody they meet. This variety of agencies means that children find more space to grow up in, so it is important that they find their own way and time to grow without people siding with them.

According to this opinion the school is predominantly composed of students and teachers because they are the real actors of this environment. In the same way when children are in a sport association the actors of this environment are the trainer and the student. Parents can be the guide in life, but not participate at school’s life because for them there’s no place. So what can they do? Trust in a teacher's skill and knowledge. Obviously if there are any problems, they discuss them together.

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Why the Pads 4 Girls Project is Important ?

Why the Pads 4 Girls Project is Important

By Prisha 

Access to menstrual hygiene products is a basic necessity for girls and women worldwide, yet millions still struggle to afford or access these essential items. The Pads 4 Girls Project is an initiative dedicated to addressing this critical issue by providing free menstrual products to girls in need, primarily in low-income and underserved communities. This project plays a vital role in empowering girls, promoting education, and breaking the stigma around menstruation. Here’s why the Pads 4 Girls Project is so important:

1. Promoting Educational Equality

One of the most significant impacts of the Pads 4 Girls Project is on education. In many parts of the world, girls miss school during their periods due to a lack of access to sanitary products. This absence can accumulate to a significant loss of learning time, often leading to poor academic performance or even dropping out entirely. By providing menstrual products, the Pads 4 Girls Project helps keep girls in school, ensuring they have equal opportunities to learn and thrive alongside their male peers.

2. Improving Health and Hygiene

Lack of access to proper menstrual hygiene products can lead to serious health issues, including infections and reproductive health problems. Many girls resort to using unsafe alternatives like rags, leaves, or newspapers, which are unhygienic and uncomfortable. The Pads 4 Girls Project helps prevent these health risks by supplying safe, hygienic, and reliable menstrual products, promoting better overall health for young women.

3. Empowering Girls and Building Confidence

Menstruation can be a source of shame and embarrassment for many young girls, especially when they don’t have the resources to manage it discreetly and comfortably. The Pads 4 Girls Project not only provides necessary products but also plays a crucial role in boosting girls’ confidence. By ensuring that girls can manage their periods without fear of leaking or embarrassment, the project empowers them to participate fully in school, sports, and social activities.

4. Breaking the Stigma Around Menstruation

Cultural taboos and misinformation surrounding menstruation often prevent open discussions about menstrual health. This stigma can lead to shame, exclusion, and even discrimination against girls and women. The Pads 4 Girls Project works to normalize menstruation by providing education about menstrual health and hygiene. By distributing pads and starting conversations, the project challenges harmful stereotypes, fostering a more informed and supportive community.

5. Supporting Vulnerable Communities

Many girls in low-income communities, refugee camps, and rural areas face compounded challenges when it comes to menstrual hygiene. For families already struggling to meet basic needs, menstrual products are often an unaffordable luxury. The Pads 4 Girls Project directly addresses this gap, ensuring that the most vulnerable girls are not left behind. This support is crucial in helping these girls maintain their dignity, health, and education.

6. Encouraging Sustainable Solutions

Beyond immediate relief, the Pads 4 Girls Project often advocates for sustainable menstrual hygiene solutions, such as reusable pads or menstrual cups. These alternatives not only reduce the long-term costs for families but also lessen the environmental impact of single-use menstrual products. The project’s focus on sustainability educates girls on eco-friendly practices and helps build a more resilient future.

7. Fostering Gender Equality

Access to menstrual hygiene products is a fundamental aspect of gender equality. When girls can manage their periods safely and with dignity, they are better able to participate in all aspects of life. The Pads 4 Girls Project contributes to breaking down barriers that hold girls back, allowing them to pursue their dreams without the limitations imposed by menstruation.

The Pads 4 Girls Project is not just about providing pads—it’s about dignity, education, and empowerment. It’s about creating a world where every girl can manage her period without shame, where education is not interrupted by something as natural as menstruation, and where health and hygiene are accessible to all. By supporting the Pads 4 Girls Project, we are investing in a brighter, more equitable future for girls everywhere.

Email :
Whatssapp : +91-7982316660 

Thursday 5 September 2024

Cares About Teaching !

Cares about Teaching ! : By Giada 

In my life I had as many teachers as many of us. Some of them had fascinated us, some of them not. I want to talk about my experience as a student. When I was in middle school there was a very special teacher, but unfortunately I realized it only after years. 

She taught math and sciences, two disciplines that I never liked because I didn't understand it. My valuations on it were low or sufficient, but she encouraged me every time to not lose the motivation and to do better. She was good, also because she always engaged to explain the argument in a different way, also finding alternative ways to explain. She was a very good teacher but also punctual about activities with all students, so sometimes I lost my motivation, but now I realize that I also needed this. My success was not valuation but continuing to engage me in math to understand at least a few. I think it is also only to understand that for joint success we have to fail sometimes.

How to teach it is a simple question that has many answers, in fact teaching it is a complex and difficult task that demands extraordinary abilities. Teaching is not reading the book, if the teacher does it wouldn’t be needed in schools. 

First we have to ask ourselves, “What is teaching?” From the dictionary it is explain and expose in a thought, organized way a discipline to someone because the apprentice. Although teaching is not a mere transmission of knowledge. In fact when a teacher talks, transmits values like empathy, respect for others and rules and coworking. It can be for this reason that the teacher had in his/her life remained etched in the mind. Teachers influence children and persons because we learn from him/her, we learn the knowledge but also from the behaviors, from the attitudes and way of doing.

We have to ask ourselves: “Who are my students?” We have to know them. We have to know which are their needs, why don't they understand this argument? Also we understand which level they have, which interests they have. Only in this way, we can personalize the teaching. A classical way for teaching is to explain the argument, but this sometimes can be boring for the listeners. So personalization means changing the way to do lessons. For example here there are 3 activities to change the way of teaching: 1. A student or the teacher can read the lesson and another person can explain to the other what they read; 2. prepare an argument and ask what they think about it and why; 3. Every student can prepare a different argument and then discuss it. In other different activities help promote exchange of ideas between students, help to get to know students and then to create groups

Creating a climate of positive learning needs clear rules that everybody respects. 1. Rules, as we said before, keep respect for each other and discipline. Rules need to be clear and simple. But it is important in this area students feel free to wrong to learn better and everyone can wronging. and where students feel appreciated. That encourages students to be more present in class. 2. Giving an answer immediately to their questions shows the teacher pays attention to students, to their doubts or questions. But maybe this can distract the teacher, so it can reserve a space for questions at the end. 3. Another tip to create this climate is to recognise the results, also small successes have the right to be celebrated, in this way the students will be encouraged to do better and motivates them to continue to engage. 

In the meanwhile we cannot claim puppets for children, they are still children and give them the opportunity to wrong. Also, adult people are wrong. Why shouldn’t wrong children? So if they don’t respect rules, like silence, doing homework, punctuality, they will face the consequences which may be known on the register, negative vote. You don’t need to be strict because it works in the moment but they don’t learn to listen truly and why it is important to listen. With strictness human beings will learn to be puppets when there’s need and not thinking with his mind.

By putting these cares and strategies into practice, students will be more likely to feel part of a group and therefore feel more likely to participate in the lesson. This is not a recipe for being the perfect teacher, but suggestions to adopt and make your own.

Finally, if the teacher feels lost or feels that he has no grip, it is understandable because teaching is not easy, nor working with children and guys. What the teacher can do is talking with his/her colleagues and if he/she wants to think about a solution together.

The Importance Of Student and Teacher Relationship?

The Importance Of Student and Teacher Relationship?By Giada Fiordelmondo Children are said to be like sponges. They learn from other people ...