Tuesday 16 July 2024

Shedding Light on a Sticky Situation

Shedding Light on a Sticky Situation

by Elle Reisner.

Menstruation is a completely natural and normal biological process that nearly every woman experiences.  So why is it surrounded in stigma and silence?  Why are conversations about menstruation not as common as they should be?  

For starters, from a young age girls are taught to hide their periods, especially from men. This causes many young girls to feel shameful of something that is not only natural, but beyond their control.  This can cause self-esteem issues, and prevent a girl from fully embracing growing up.In addition to this, the media either completely avoids the topic of menstruation or portrays it using euphemisms, or delicate metaphors.  Why are we tip-toeing around something that is completely normal?  Should we not instead be celebrating this?  This is the impactful event that turns a girl into a woman, and allows her to create life!  Why do we place shame and stigma on such an event? Another thing contributing to the stigma surrounding menstruation is accessibility.  In many countries a heavy tax is placed on menstruation products, making it inaccessible to many people. For example, in Kenya, there is a 16% tax on pads, making them a financial burden. This discourages the use of pads while simultaneously reinforcing the idea that menstruation is shameful and something to hide.Pads are a necessity, not a luxury. 

They are necessary for a woman to 
manage her menstrual hygiene. They are comfortable while also absorbing menstrual flow, and preventing infections.  However, in many developing countries and even some developed countries, pads are considered a luxury, not a necessity.  As a result women are forced to use unsanitary alternatives such as rags, leaves, or even mud. This is extremely unsafe and can lead to infections that put their health at risk.We must prevent this by creating safe and healthy environments to discuss menstruation. We also must advocate for lower taxes on menstrual hygiene and ensure that women and girls can access the products and knowledge they need to manage their menstrual health.

Saturday 13 July 2024



In today's fast-paced world, maintaining healthy food habits is more crucial than ever. Good nutrition  is foundational to overall well-being, influencing everything from physical health to mental sharpness. This article delves into the importance of healthy food habits, the benefits they offer, and practical tips for integrating them into daily life.

The connection between food habits and mental health has garnered increasing attention in recent years. Numerous studies highlight how our diet can significantly affect our mental well-being. Children’s mental health also depend on what they are consuming. Establishing healthy food habits in children is crucial for their growth, development, and long-term health. The dietary choices made during childhood can influence a child's health trajectory, affecting their physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being.

1. Understanding Healthy Food Habits:

* Consuming a variety of foods in the right proportions to obtain essential nutrients.

* Eating at regular intervals to maintain energy levels and metabolic function.

* Managing portion sizes to avoid overeating and ensure proper nutrition.

Food Habit is the foundation of lifelong health:

Adequate nutrition supports proper growth, bone development, and muscle formation. Nutrient￾rich foods provide essential vitamins and minerals crucial for these processes. Proper nutrition enhances cognitive functions, including memory, attention, and learning abilities. A balanced diet strengthens the immune system, reducing the risk of infections and illnesses. Nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin D, and antioxidants play key roles in immune function.

 2.Mindful Eating:

 * Paying attention to the taste, texture, and smell of food can enhance the eating experience and help prevent overeating. Mindful eating encourages a greater appreciation for food and can reduce stress and emotional eating.

* Being aware to body's hunger and fullness signals can prevent overeating and promote a balanced diet, contributing to better mental health.

* Focusing on unprocessed foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins, can support mental well-being by providing essential nutrients and promoting overall health. Drinking enough water throughout the day is also important for maintaining mental alertness and a positive mood. Even mild dehydration can impair cognitive performance and exacerbate feelings of anxiety and stress.

Establishing Healthy Eating Behaviours:

Children who develop healthy eating habits are more likely to make nutritious choices as adults. Parents play a significant role in shaping these behaviours.

* Children imitate the eating habits of adults around them. Parents should model healthy eating behaviours by consuming a variety of nutrient-dense foods.

* Creating a positive food environment at home encourages children to try new foods. Offering a variety of healthy options and involving children in meal preparation can foster a love for nutritious foods.Healthy food habits contribute to mental and emotional well-being in children. Balanced meals with complex carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats provide steady energy levels, preventing mood swings and irritability.Healthy food habits are essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. The link between food habits and mental health is undeniable. By embracing a balanced diet, regular meal timing, and mindful eating practices, individuals can experience improved physical health, better mental clarity, and enhanced energy levels. Making small, sustainable changes to eating habits can lead to long-term benefits and a healthier lifestyle.

Healthy food habits are essential for the overall well-being of children. Proper nutrition supports growth, cognitive development, immune function, and emotional health. Making nutritious food enjoyable and involving children in the process can create lasting healthy habits that benefit them throughout their lives.


Wednesday 10 July 2024

Bullying And Peer Pressure

Everyone in their life experience peer pressure which can be both positive and negative. But students are more vulnerable to it as they get easily influenced by their peers . As students get exposed to outer world their curiosity about things around them also increases .they have an innate need to try new things with their peers but due to their lack of experience and insight they lack knowledge about the consequences of their actions.

Students are influenced more by their peers actions, things they have , ideas and opinions. These
peers can be friends of students or other students of the same age with similar interests. These peers can influence students directly or indirectly and can make them act in a certain way.
Students try confirming the ideas, opinions, and behaviors of their peers to fit in with them while disregarding their own opinions and values. This need to confirm with others to fit in with them
while disregarding their own personal opinions and ideas is called peer pressure. An example of peer pressure can be a student who doesn’t want to participate dance competition, but she participates on the persuasion of her / his friend. As students are in a learning stage of their life
where they learn to socially interact with others to gain more knowledge and information about the world, they get easily influenced by their peers. This influence of peers on students can be
both positive and negative .

Bullying is a distinctive pattern of repeatedly and deliberately harming and humiliating others, specifically those who are smaller, weaker, younger or in any way more vulnerable than the bully. The deliberate targeting of those of lesser power is what distinguishes bullying from garden-variety aggression.

Bullying can involve verbal attacks (name-calling and making fun of others) as well as physical ones, threats of harm, other forms of intimidation, and deliberate exclusion from activities. Studies indicate that bullying peaks around ages 11 to 13 and decreases as children grow older. Overt physical aggression such as kicking, hitting, and shoving is most common among younger children; relational aggression—damaging or manipulating the relationships of others, such as spreading rumors, and social exclusion—is more common as children mature.

Monday 1 July 2024

Judicious Use of Water!

Judicious Use of Water!

-Deepika Sharma.

Water, our lifeblood on Earth, sustains everything from ecosystems to agriculture, and is fundamental to human survival. Yet, despite its vital importance, fresh water is a finite resource facing increasing pressures due to climate change, pollution, and overuse. To ensure a sustainable future, it is imperative that we adopt judicious practices in managing and utilizing water resources effectively.

The journey towards conserving water begins with each individual taking responsibility. Simple habits like turning off taps tightly, fixing leaks promptly, and using water-efficient appliances can significantly reduce household water consumption. These small actions, when practiced collectively, have a substantial impact in minimizing water wastage in our daily lives. Agriculture, as one of the largest consumers of water globally, plays a pivotal role in water conservation efforts. Farmers can adopt modern irrigation techniques such as drip irrigation and precision farming to optimize water use while maximizing crop yield. Additionally, the choice of drought-resistant crops and careful scheduling of planting can further reduce water demand in agriculture, ensuring sustainable practices for the future.

Industries also bear a responsibility in water conservation. Implementing technologies that recycle and reuse water within industrial processes not only conserves water but also reduces pollution of freshwater sources. Treating wastewater effectively before releasing it back into the environment is another critical step that industries can take to minimize their impact on water quality.  

Government policies and regulations are essential in promoting responsible water management practices. Governments can incentivize the adoption of water-efficient technologies, establish water-saving standards for industries, and educate the public about the importance of water conservation through widespread awareness campaigns and educational programs. 
In urban areas, where population density and water demand are high, sustainable urban planning becomes paramount. Designing cities with green space permeable surfaces, and efficient water management systems such as rainwater harvesting can significantly alleviate pressure on municipal water supplies and reduce runoff into water bodies, thus promoting a more sustainable urban water cycle. 
International cooperation is also crucial, particularly in regions where water scarcity is a pressing issue. Collaborative efforts for transboundary water management and sharing best practices in water conservation can ensure equitable access to water resources for all nations involved, fostering peace and stability in regions where water disputes might arise. 

In conclusion, the judicious use of water is not just a responsibility but a collective effort that we owe to future generations and the planet. By adopting water-saving practices in our daily routines, implementing efficient technologies in agriculture and industry, and advocating for sound water management policies at all levels, we can ensure that water remains a sustainable resource for all life on Earth. Let us envision a future where every drop of water counts in preserving life and ecosystems. Together, through individual actions and global collaboration, we can pave the way for a world where water scarcity becomes a thing of the past, and where sustainable water management practices ensure a thriving planet for generations to come.

The Importance Of Student and Teacher Relationship?

The Importance Of Student and Teacher Relationship?By Giada Fiordelmondo Children are said to be like sponges. They learn from other people ...